I still remember those burly officers that took me in the past time I violated my restraining order and put me in jail. One knocked me to the ground as I tried escaping. Oh my.
All I could think of at the time was kissing their uniformed (I wish!) crotches and licking their police shoes. That’s all! I cannot explain the uncontrollable lust I felt at these manly men taking me in.
I’m truly messed up as I keep telling people. On the one hand I’m scared of the consequences of my actions, on the other, I actively hope the police will put me back in jail. The cock I got for freee without having to pay men for access to their beautiful long organs was more than worth it.
I hope the Clifton police see my recent X posts and contact me. I know that they must have already contacted Master.
Xo. I need help, but other hand, i can’t help myself – i can’t stop shoplifting, stalking women, harassing poor colored immigrants and more while being immensely turned on by it all.
I try and deny my actions but Masters cock pops into mind and I lose all control. Not that I ever had any.
The lovely Gabriella .
One response to “I have just contacted the police and it turns me on so!”
I will be contacting the police myself too. This is getting too be way too gross.